5-day Photography crash course: Get Out Of Auto Now!

Are you tired of being a wimpy photographer having the sands of time thrown in your face as you spend hours struggling to fix your mistakes in whatever editing software you you feel will save your pictures?

Do you stare with amazement at photographs thinking that those photographers must be using costly equipment that is out of your reach?

Are you afraid of Manual? Do you hide behind the relative comfort of Auto Mode? 

Are you tired of letting your camera determine what is best for you?

Do you want to take control of your pictures? 

This describes all of us at some point in our photography career. Taking off the training wheels can be scary. If you want to be free from the confines of your camera you have to get out of Auto Mode.

Shooting only in Auto Mode is like strolling up to the bar and always letting the bar tender tell you what drink you will have.

Shooting only in Auto Mode is like walking into an ice cream shop and always letting the server give you the flavors they think you want or even worse, giving you the flavors they want you to have.

Shooting only in Auto Mode is like going to college and letting the university tell you what degree you will get.

Shooting only in Auto Mode is like waking up every day only to wear the clothes that someone else thinks you'll look good wearing.

Shooting only in Auto Mode, frankly, makes you a wimp.  Do you like being a wimp?

If you only shoot in Auto Mode you are saying to the world that you are incapable of making any decisions on your own. And you are telling the world that you have no idea what you want.

If this way of life sounds intriguing to you, if you like the idea of never having to think for yourself or never expressing yourself beyond what others tell you, then this is where you should exit from this page. Now is the time to jump off this train.

You Are Supermanual. You Control Your Destiny.

If you are serious about your photography then you know that now is the time to own your camera and stop letting your camera own you.

If you are serious about your photography you know that you have to be a Supermanual Photographer

Look around Facebook or where ever it is you hang out. Look at the puny pictures your friends post. They are part of the mindless dribble of photographers who are more than willing to shoot like sheep. Simply following what they see with no regard to their own style, their own expression, unwilling to establish their own providence or perspective.

If you are a sheep, then this is the final call to leave the Supermanual Photographer express train. Be forewarned, if you keep reading you are likely to find your own unique ways to express yourself with your photography. If you are a sheep, now's the time to jump off because this train is going to take you directly to your personal destiny as a photographer.

Be Supermanual. What's That Mean?

To be a Supermanual Photographer means that you are willing to take risks. It means that you demand performance. A Supermanual Photographer expects excellence and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that excellence.

These are just some of the things a Supermanual Photographer demands:

  • the best results in low light photography.
  • pictures that make people's eyes pop and jaws drop.
  • absolute freedom and control.
  • independence from the mundane.

Are you ready to go from this?

To this?

Without spending hours in front of your computer?

You Don't Have The Time To Edit!

Getting the shot the way you want it in camera will save you hours of time spent in front of your computer trying to fix what's wrong with your pictures.

Don't spend your days fixing problems that should have never existed in the first place. Get your photography the way you want it when you press the shutter and move on with life.

What's that? You say you love editing pictures?

Getting your pictures the way you want them in the camera will open up a whole new world of editing options for you. Gone will be the days when you are satisfied fixing your pictures. Say Hello! to the new days where you take your pictures far beyond what you were ever able to achieve with the "I'll fix it in post." mentality.

Be Supermanual. Get Out Of Auto Now! 

Do you want to learn how to become a Supermanual photographer?  Want to blow the socks off of everyone who sees your pictures?

I've been exactly where you are and I want to help you take your photography from drab to BAM.

I've put together a super easy online course that is guaranteed to transform your photography. In it you will learn:

How and when to use a long shutter speed to capture shots like this.

Ever wondered why your camera has never given you this kind of result?

BE SUPERMANual 5-Day Crash Course

For less than the cost of a lens filter, you can ignite the superpowers within and transform your photos beyond your wildest dreams.

Click the "Add To Cart" button below to get started.

100 % Money Back Guarantee!

It's hard to imagine that you won't absolutely LOVE this course.  

However, if you are not 100% completely satisfied, I provide a 60-day money back guarantee. Just e-mail me your original PayPal receipt e-mail and I will refund your purchase via PayPal within 2-3 days.  There is absolutely no risk.  All I ask is for honest feedback on why the e-course didn't meet your expectations.

Still have questions?  Contact me.

Get Instant Access

The Supermanual Photography Crash Course is an online course that begins immediately after check out.

Simply click the "Add To Cart" button and you will be taken to E-Junkie, the internet's most automated and secure digital delivery platform for files and codes. After your purchase, you will receive an e-mail with a link and password to access the full course. (Nothing will be mailed to you, everything is digital)

If you have any trouble at all with your purchase, please Contact Me.

Hi there! I'm Scott. PTMY. Photography is a constant challenge and there is always something to learn - if you want to learn.  For those that do want to learn, I created Picture Power as a resource for you to sharpen your photography skills. If you don't find the answer you're looking for just let me know and together we'll find a way to ignite your inner superhero photography genius. Contact me

What are you waiting for?  Click the "Add To Cart" button above and ignite your inner superhero photographer!

Oh and make sure to let me know when National Geographic calls. :-)

Get out of AUTO and into SUPERMANUAL! Your time is now. Click the button and start being awesome.

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